English learning simplified


Creative ways to learn.

Online courses delivered via Zoom/Google Classroom

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Courses Offered



Summer course is best suited for school going students , English that has been designed for the purpose of helping learners and remove errors by making inroads with practical grammar , and lexical power enhancement . To attain communicative proficiency in the language .This course brings in self confidence and presentation skills in a play way method


Grand course

Use of English in dynamic and functional context . Grand course is a blend of basic and advance course .Involving students in the process of writing encouraging them to undertake meaningful composition and develop the coherence in writing , listen to understand and not reply .



Heron’s preparation gives you the edge with its training and techniques. Heron will train on what you want to show the panel and how to have the winning edge over others. Preparing candidates for interview with unique technique of 3 P Mantra of Heron - identify, prepare, rehearse and practice that illustrate their strength in relation to the job offered by focusing on common interview questions, anticipating the interviewers concern and reservation, identifying the selling point, working on mirror image, body language, gait, last minute interview techniques,how to leave a mark.



Self Mastery is the DNA of Life Mastery ”.

Heron’s personality development programme helps an individual to identify the power base. There is never a risk in discovering oneself. With Heron’s personality programme one does self examination and soul searching. Heron Mantra “ Consistency of Purpose” is a technique to infuse enthusiasm and learn mind management - a key ingredient for a lifetime of successful living and a scientific approach to manage 60 thousand thoughts that cross every mind a single day requiring largest filtering to arrive at priorities.

In this programme we lay emphasis on - body language (the most impact that we say comes from body language), voice modulation and what is said


English that has been designed by Heron training expert for the purpose of helping learners attain communicative proficiency in the language,develop efficient use of English skills with practical grammar and access literally writing skills with ease.



“Group Discussion - stimulating thinking power, otherwise is a criminal waste of time”.

Heron instils in you the art of reflecting, thinking and communication of thoughts amongst members of group, where aim is competitive solution to a problem. In Heron mantra of group discussion , an individual builds up relationships within the team, learns to communicate ideas, enhances leadership styles - when to take a lead, develop listening skills and how learn to take the lead within the group. With various innovative techniques - communication, confidence, cohesiveness( 3 C mantra of Heron ), problem solving skills will be build in Heron exercises.



Heron encourages to do mindful composition task, help to integrate understanding of text with a need to make a purposeful personalised and often an imaginative written response. Heron’s creative writing programme emphasises on sorting and thinking, punctuation, organising the ideas and acquiring the style of writing.



Life skills with Heron Mantra of “Less is More, More is Less” technique enhances the ability for adaptive and positive behaviour, laying emphasis on communication, interpersonal skills and developing the art of saying “NO”. Heron life skills training programme helps an individual to enhance the skills of managing feelings, decision making, critical thinking, time management, stress management and increasing locus of control with importance of life skills to unlock six dimensions of the self.


English that focuses on linguistic accuracy with inter play between correctness and contextual appropriateness. Grammar tasks that is practical and functional , that focuses on all structural items traditionally regarded as essential . Etymology that provides insights into the multi layered meaning of words and enhances the power base. With speaking tasks it emphasis es accuracy related elements i.e pronunciation, voice mapping, accent,as well as feature of fluent speech.Listening task that end the understanding of both detail and gist.



Heron IELTS training sessions include pre-assessment to access the entry level skill of the candidate . Series of mock tests and practice sessions to attain perfection in LSRW skills to attain the desired band.



Heron trains its client on the impact of effective information sharing with people within and outside the organisation, for commercial benefit of the organisation. Touching upon the aspect of dealing with criticism,responding to criticism, disagreement process, “ How to say No”, conflict management, handling irate customer, negotiating skills, verbal and non verbal communications,powerful thank you along with vocabulary related to industry ( with mock sessions at work stations , series of assessment and questionnaire and case study . )